Backlight Textile Backlight

Fabric for backlights

The Gramature: 270 g / m2

The technology of printing: Sublimation and sublimation

Maximum width of material: 3,20 m

Certificate of Material: B1

Finishing of the material: cut to dimension, heching, sheath with belt + mesh, silicone tape, tunnel

The Properties: Flexible, dense weave


Price: 22,00 EUR / pcs

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Finishes are available

Cut to the dimension

The Tunnel

The stitching

Iscreathe with belt + mesh

Silicone tape

Textile backlight is a fabric designed for printing that will be illuminated, it has a weight of 270 g/m2. The material has a dense weave.

Fabric for illumination with individual print

Backlight Textile material is printed using sublimation technology. The graphics printed on the fabric have vivid colors and clear details. Textile backlight is characterized by flexibility, so it works well in tensioning systems.

In which advertising systems is Textile Backlight used?

The backlight fabric is most often used in ZEN aluminum, both one-sided (Backlight 100, Backlight 120) and double-sided (ZEN Double).
The fabric for highlights is also perfect for the presentation of graphics on exhibition walls or trade fair constructions. Textile backlight is flexible, so it can be easily pulled into the media design. Easy installation allows quick replacement of the print, depending on current advertising needs.

The Textile Backlight material is available in 315 cm wide. With graphics of larger size, it is possible to combine several separate prints.

The Textile Backlight Fabric has a B1 flame record, so it can be used on the construction of exhibition systems during fairs, systems presented in closed sales halls, events, shops, service outlets or offices.

What are the possible finishes on the backlight Textile backlight?

Depending on where the print made on the fabric for Backlight Thexyre backlights is to be used, there are many possibilities for its finishing. The basic and most frequently chosen option is to cut to the dimension and trim.

In the case of installation on systems made of aluminum tubes, a tunnel finish is made. When mounted on ZEN type aluminum systems, the silicone keder is stitched.

It is possible to personalize the finish according to your needs. If the options provided do not meet your expectations, please contact our sales advisor.

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